Professional Development Services

We take pride in delivering the highest quality, custom designed professional development services.

Professional Development

For any questions, ideas or to receive email updates and the latest news and resources.

    Professional Development

    Savvien Professional development is based on needs assessments and cultural considerations to help people acquire new knowledge and skills.

    What We Offer

    High-quality professional and adult learning experiences are key elements to transformation. A truly successful learning experience is about more than content and delivery—it’s about understanding the specific context and needs of your organization and your learners. Savvien Learning Partners delivers customized learning experiences designed to engage, inspire, and mobilize educators—whether in person or online, in real time or on demand. We offer a number of workshops and professional learning experiences geared toward leaders, coaches, teachers and teams. Sign up here to receive information, updates and FREE resources.

    Professional Development Services

    Get in touch with us for any queries or related questions

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    (303) 408-2073

    Professional Development at Savvien encompasses all types of facilitated learning opportunities including conferences and informal learning opportunities such as workshops, day long trainings, online or blended formats, or through consultation, situated in practice. It can be brief or intensive and collaborative, and always incorporates an evaluative component.

    Learning Groups

    Leadership in Equity Mastermind Group

    The Leadership in Equity Mastermind Group exists to help members advance and grow their leadership with a focus on equity. The mastermind is a hybrid group coaching and leadership development community designed to change the face of learning, determined that all students are seen, heard, valued, and thriving.
    Together, we form a supportive environment for exploring challenges and new ideas. We provide constructive feedback, generate ideas, provide support and hold each other accountable.


    PLC: Teaching for Equity & Excellence

    The Teaching for Equity & Excellence PLC is a unique semester-long professional learning experience centered around building capacity and developing a solid instructional practice, in culturally responsive and sustaining pedagogy, that actually changes student learning based on the data and science of learning. The PLC is grounded in the practical application of culturally responsive design principles and practices across subject areas and grade levels. It is designed to take your teaching practice to the next level.

    $199.00 / Semester

    PLC: Teaching the Dual-Language & Bilingual Learner

    The Teaching the Dual-Language & Bilingual Learner PLC is a unique semester-long professional learning experience centered around building capacity and developing a solid instructional practice, in dual-language and bilingual education pedagogy, that actually changes student learning based on the data and science of learning. The PLC is grounded in the practical application of dual-language and bilingual education design principles and practices across subject areas and grade levels. It is designed to take your teaching practice to the next level.

    $199.00 / Semester

    Contact Us!

    For any questions, ideas or to receive email updates and the latest news and resources.

      It’s always a pleasure to share ideas!

      Call Us:

      (303) 408-2073